

Daniele Silvia
Aprilia (LT)
Shift Manager - 30 years old
Today: Team Supervisor, Shelves Line - Line 6114, Unit 5
Qualification: Surveyor Diploma With the Company since 05/12/2013:
  • Hardware and fittings operator
  • Machine quality control and unloading operator
  • Shift manager, Line 6114

I moved to Pordenone 5 years ago to work at Friul Intagli. I started out as a hardware and fittings operator. After a short time, I was transferred to unloading control; my job way to check that the components would come out perfectly from production, since it is the last check before packing and shipping to stores. Later, I was offered the opportunity to become shift manager of line 6114, which I manage currently.

Is it hard being a manager? In my case, not so much; it depends a lot on the people you work with. Fortunately, I have always dealt with collaborative people who have always supported and helped me out in case of problems. Thanks to them, I managed to make up for my little initial experience. I have always done good and I have never had any problems with anyone.

Tell us about your transfer … I’ve been living in Azzano Decimo for 5 years now; it’s 20 minutes from here. Honestly, I thought it would be worse; I was afraid that the transfer would be bad for me, but then I realized it was just fine. I come from a noisy, larger city. Being a fairly quiet person, I found my right dimension in a small town.

Do you have any aspirations, a desire for future growth? For the time being, I feel happy with the job I was assigned. I am very satisfied, because I did not think I was suited for it and it was gratifying to be able to fulfil the Company's expectations. As for the future, everything is possible.