News / Technology and innovation

POR FESR 2014-2020
Smart tracking. Advanced agile handling solutions and machine to machine tracking cloud

Since 2016, Friul Intagli Industries adheres to the project "POR FESR 2014-2020: for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth", earmarked by the European Community and the Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region.
This project promotes the search for advanced solutions for the agile handling and tracking of semi-finished products based on machine-to-machine (M2M) cloud connections and has the following industrial research goals:

  • Collaborative advanced robotics, i.e. increasingly intelligent and flexible robots working together with human operators on processes that are not totally predefined;
  • Additive manufacturing that will allow the implementation of "one piece flow" processes;
  • Advanced digital "tools" available as low-cost cloud services. This paradigm is realized by the project through machine-to-machine (M2M) cloud connections. M2M connections are part of the Smart Manufacturing dynamics. Within the project, this is expressed by the making of the factory of the future:
    • Prevalence of Internet-based technologies;
    • Prevalence of Cyber-Physical Systems for the execution and control of activities;
    • Generation and management of huge masses of data (Big Data);
    • Increasing complexity (product customization, dynamic supply-chain requirements, integration of various technologies into complex products, dynamic cooperation mechanisms between companies, etc.);
    • Vertical integration of IT systems (from ERP to field level).