In a world ruled by technology, we are convinced that people are those who make the difference.
That’s why we select the best team to work with the best machineries.
Competence and training, motivation and responsibility, gratification and sense of belonging to a successful team: these are the values of our work that are handed down from generation to generation.
People and company need to grow together, this is the only way to go a long way.
Competence and training, motivation and responsibility, gratification and sense of belonging to a successful team: these are the values of our work that are handed down from generation to generation.
People and company need to grow together, this is the only way to go a long way.
Safety at work, workers’ health, the maintenance and improvement of work environments have always been our main drivers and the foundation of our policies, in a vision that considers safety a strategic and development factor for the Company.
The transition from the OHSAS 18001:2007 to the new ISO 45001:2018 standard has been completed in 2021, creating an integrated system in the quality, safety and environmental area.
To ensure the health and safety of workers, we have drawn up the Health and Safety Policy, integrated with the environment. The Policy is binding for all Friul Intagli employees and it is addressed to all suppliers. It is shared, in particular, through the coordination activities carried out continuously in the various production sites.
The transition from the OHSAS 18001:2007 to the new ISO 45001:2018 standard has been completed in 2021, creating an integrated system in the quality, safety and environmental area.
To ensure the health and safety of workers, we have drawn up the Health and Safety Policy, integrated with the environment. The Policy is binding for all Friul Intagli employees and it is addressed to all suppliers. It is shared, in particular, through the coordination activities carried out continuously in the various production sites.
Friul Intagli Industries considers transparent, ethical and compliant behaviour to be essential for the correct management of company activities. This means not only observing the numerous laws and regulations in force, but also considering the expectations and aspirations of the various stakeholders.
Starting in 2000, the Company has adopted a Code of Ethics that defines the set of values it recognizes, accepts and shares in carrying out its business at all company levels. The principles and provisions of this Code of Ethics are general obligations of diligence, honesty and loyalty that qualify workplace performance and behaviour.
Starting in 2000, the Company has adopted a Code of Ethics that defines the set of values it recognizes, accepts and shares in carrying out its business at all company levels. The principles and provisions of this Code of Ethics are general obligations of diligence, honesty and loyalty that qualify workplace performance and behaviour.
This document intends to lay down the principles and standards of ethical and professional conduct that our Company expects from all its collaborators in the daily performance of their duties and in all commercial and institutional relationships that involve our activity.
It further seeks to assure our partners that our activities are and will be compliant with the rule of law and with our principles of honesty, respect and integrity. This Code of Conduct is intended for all employees, collaborators and administrators as a point of reference for our work and for our customers and suppliers, and for all those who enter into relations with our company, a clear declaration of our commitment to operate legally, fairly and with mutual respect.
Friul Intagli Industries S.p.A. has always been particularly careful to the prevention of risks that could compromise the responsible and sustainable manage of our business and to the identification of any behavior that does not comply laws and regulations, the Code of Ethics and the Organizational Model 231, as like as the system of rules and procedures in force within Friul Intagli Industries S.p.A.. For these reasons, Friul Intagli Industries S.p.A. has created "The Whistleblowing Channel" to offer to employees and stakeholders (partners, customers, suppliers, consultants, freelance professionals and, more generally, any third party who has information concerning the above conduct) the possibility to send or share any report concerning any irregularity of which they got to know.
The platform provides a secure channel to report violations of any kind, which may constitute offences even if only potentially contrary to the Company’s internal laws and regulations. However, reports of a personal nature and reports based on mere suspicions or rumours concerning personal facts not constituting wrongdoing are excluded.
The company guarantees the protection of confidentiality and the prohibition of discrimination against Whistleblowers.
As part of the reporting process, personal data will be processed in accordance with the relevant legislation.
Before making your report, please read the Whistleblowing Policy
It further seeks to assure our partners that our activities are and will be compliant with the rule of law and with our principles of honesty, respect and integrity. This Code of Conduct is intended for all employees, collaborators and administrators as a point of reference for our work and for our customers and suppliers, and for all those who enter into relations with our company, a clear declaration of our commitment to operate legally, fairly and with mutual respect.
Friul Intagli Industries S.p.A. has always been particularly careful to the prevention of risks that could compromise the responsible and sustainable manage of our business and to the identification of any behavior that does not comply laws and regulations, the Code of Ethics and the Organizational Model 231, as like as the system of rules and procedures in force within Friul Intagli Industries S.p.A.. For these reasons, Friul Intagli Industries S.p.A. has created "The Whistleblowing Channel" to offer to employees and stakeholders (partners, customers, suppliers, consultants, freelance professionals and, more generally, any third party who has information concerning the above conduct) the possibility to send or share any report concerning any irregularity of which they got to know.
The platform provides a secure channel to report violations of any kind, which may constitute offences even if only potentially contrary to the Company’s internal laws and regulations. However, reports of a personal nature and reports based on mere suspicions or rumours concerning personal facts not constituting wrongdoing are excluded.
The company guarantees the protection of confidentiality and the prohibition of discrimination against Whistleblowers.
As part of the reporting process, personal data will be processed in accordance with the relevant legislation.
Before making your report, please read the Whistleblowing Policy
Our activities always aim to guarantee the principles of free and fair competition, in full compliance with the applicable rules and regulations.
Behaviours that aim to control the market by, for example, fixing prices or by concluding agreements for the subdivision of the market between competing companies are strictly forbidden.
All relations with competitors must be characterised by maximum fairness; behaviour that fosters unfair competition, or that harms the image or reputation of competitors, or violates their intellectual property rights is forbidden.
Our activities always aim to guarantee the principles of free and fair competition, in full compliance with the applicable rules and regulations.
Behaviours that aim to control the market by, for example, fixing prices or by concluding agreements for the subdivision of the market between competing companies are strictly forbidden.
All relations with competitors must be characterised by maximum fairness; behaviour that fosters unfair competition, or that harms the image or reputation of competitors, or violates their intellectual property rights is forbidden.
All managers, employees and collaborators of Friul Intagli have the responsibility to ensure that our Company is not involved in acts of corruption. In that sense, it is forbidden to offer, directly or indirectly, or to accept requests for sums of money or for any other benefit to or from any person, be they public officials or a private counterparty, with the aim of inducing them to carry out or to omit to carry out any action that falls under their purview.
All acts of corruption for the purpose of continuation of existing business or to obtain new business are not acceptable and are prohibited in all cases. Not only do such actions violate this Code of Conduct, but they are also illegal and may also have penal consequences for the persons who perform them and for the Company.
The use of third parties, through whom sums of money or any other benefit are offered or obtained for purposes of corruption, is also absolutely forbidden.
All managers, employees and collaborators of Friul Intagli have the responsibility to ensure that our Company is not involved in acts of corruption. In that sense, it is forbidden to offer, directly or indirectly, or to accept requests for sums of money or for any other benefit to or from any person, be they public officials or a private counterparty, with the aim of inducing them to carry out or to omit to carry out any action that falls under their purview.
All acts of corruption for the purpose of continuation of existing business or to obtain new business are not acceptable and are prohibited in all cases. Not only do such actions violate this Code of Conduct, but they are also illegal and may also have penal consequences for the persons who perform them and for the Company.
The use of third parties, through whom sums of money or any other benefit are offered or obtained for purposes of corruption, is also absolutely forbidden.
Friul Intagli recognises the fundamental importance of ethics in the management of its affairs, always desirous of pursuing its objectives with maximum respect for the applicable laws, for the bodies tasked with checking such respect, as well as for its customers, employees, suppliers, competitors or any other interested party.
In implementing the aforementioned fundamental principles, and in particular with regard to ethics in business, the Company requires its administrators, employees, collaborators and any other third party with which it forms relationships to rigorously respect the guidelines contained in this Code of Conduct and in the rules and regulations in force.
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In implementing the aforementioned fundamental principles, and in particular with regard to ethics in business, the Company requires its administrators, employees, collaborators and any other third party with which it forms relationships to rigorously respect the guidelines contained in this Code of Conduct and in the rules and regulations in force.
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Friul Intagli Industries SpA has been a SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange) member since 2012.
SEDEX is a non-profit organization for companies that are ethically committed to the continuous improvement of their supply chain, offering them a management tool to help them identify, manage and mitigate ethical risks in the global supply chain (SMETA Audit).
As a member, it shares and manages private information on four relevant aspects: workplace conditions, health and safety, environment and corporate ethics.
SEDEX is a non-profit organization for companies that are ethically committed to the continuous improvement of their supply chain, offering them a management tool to help them identify, manage and mitigate ethical risks in the global supply chain (SMETA Audit).
As a member, it shares and manages private information on four relevant aspects: workplace conditions, health and safety, environment and corporate ethics.
Friul Intagli Industries supports local communities by sponsoring local sports and cultural associations, events, voluntary activities and non-profit organizations, as well as by contributing to building redevelopment, urban planning and cultural heritage projects.
The Company has also made numerous collaborations with local Schools, funding the purchase of teaching equipment and materials and contributing to the training of young people interested in the furniture industry.
The Company has also made numerous collaborations with local Schools, funding the purchase of teaching equipment and materials and contributing to the training of young people interested in the furniture industry.