

Jacopo Parlangeli
Azzano Decimo (PN)
Department Manager - 30 years old
Today: Shrink Wrap Line Manager – Line 6114, Unit 5
Qualification: Tourism and hotel expert With the Company since 03/08/2010:
  • Packaging operator
  • Forklift, Mega Line packaging operator
  • Line and shift manager
  • Department Manager

I work at Friul Intagli since 2010. I got started as a packaging operator. After a few months, I had the opportunity to learn how to use a forklift and work on a Mega, a machine that packs the finished product. After this experience, the company offered me another chance to grow as a line manager, allowing me to learn about the machines and manage a shift. Now I am department manager and I manage a production plant. It’s been very good for me!

So you went up from being an operator to a manager? Yes, Friul Intagli is a company that promotes professional growth and training. It rewards those who work hard and deserve it. Indeed, I’m not the only one who has benefited from these policies; several of my colleagues have had the opportunity to grow according to their abilities.

What’s it like being a manager? Managing people is always difficult. It takes everybody’s cooperation to get good results. After 3 years as a manager, I can say that it is something that you learn through experience, becoming more mature, with the inevitable result of personal growth.

About working hours: have you had experience with the continuous cycle? Yes, I have worked both with the 3 shifts and with the continuous cycle. It's a bit of a special schedule but, personally, it has not had a negative impact on me or my family. Actually, on a physical level, you can rest more during the continuous cycle, so I did not have big problems.

Do you have any aspirations? Would you like to keep growing professionally? I feel quite gratified doing what I do now. My efforts have been recognized and appreciated. If there is a chance to grow again in the future, I can try, there is no problem, I can make it!